Become a member

Why become a member?

There are many different reasons to become a member of Linnaeus union, primarily to support us in our work that is for you and other students, such as student representation, support, and counseling during your studies. In addition to that, we also work to simplify and improve the social student life by, for example, representing the students' voice towards the municipality and the university


You will find the discounts in Hitract under product categories! In some cases, you don't need to purchase the discount; you will find the discount code in the description of the discount. 

Exclusive access

Access to the student pubs (membership i Linnaeus Union is required!)

Access to member events.

Engagemang & stidpendium

How do I become a member?

  1. Download the Hitract app and create an account
  2. Find our hitClub by searching for "Linnékåren"
  3. Press on "Become member" and follow the instructions
  4. Done! You are now a member!

Since we are a non-profit organization, we are not profit-driven. Instead, we allocate the membership fee to give back to you, our members, in the best possible way. As a member, you can, of course, gain both insight and influence by participating in our member meetings. In addition to that, we use the membership fee to support the student associations on campus so that the particular association you favor can organize events just for you. It's very important to get involved in the student association life to support the associations that create all the fun events and social gatherings. Becoming a member with us is a way to engage with all the associations.  


When you have become a member, you will find all our discounts and merchandise that we sell in Hitract also, all exclusive member events. You can find the discounts on the product page, and events will appear as notifications in the app. Many events and products we sell operate on a first-come, first-served basis, so it's important to keep an eye on the app.  

Do you have questions about the membership?

Contact us via e-mail, phone, Facebook, or fill in the form. We will reply as soon as possible.
MON-FRI 09:00-11:30