For associations

This is where you can find essential information for members of student association boards.

Information from the student union board

The collaboration between the Student Union and your student association is specified in our collaboration agreement. The agreement is updated every year and lays ground for the contact between the Linnaeus Union and the student associations.

To ease communication between the student union and the associations, Presidents'meetings are held once per month where all associations' presidents participate. The meetings are hosted by the Socially responsibles in the student union board.

Members' meetings fall 2024

Presidents' Meetings

Presidents' meetings are usually held at the end of each month. Contact the Socially responsible for more information.

Information regarding grants

Äskningar skickas till studiesocialt ansvarig för respektive ort. Läs mer info om hur det går till i dokumenten här nedanför.

Association documents


Request of premises booking (Smålandsgatan)

Only for student associations within the student union.
To book and use the student premises in Kalmar must:

- Contract for booking be signed with the Linnaeus Union (president, contact person and the Linnaeus Union signs)
- The responsible contact person must be present and contactable throughout the time the premises are being used.
- The contact person must have read the rules of procedure and accept the rules that apply to the student premises (Smålandsgatan).
- Be aware that unnecessary alarms and guard calls and the like are charged to the association.
- The premises on Smålandsgatan must be cleaned until 10.00 the day after the event.

In the event of mismanagement of these rules and cleaning, the association will be excluded from booking the student premises until further notice

For questions, please contact

NOTE! The premises are booked only when the booking confirmation has been received via e-mail

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