Lägg ut jobbannons

Fyll i formuläret nedan för att lägga ut en jobbannons. Annonsen är gratis för ideella föreningar. För myndigheter och företag fakturerar vi 500kr/annons. 


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Linnékårens jobbportal tillhandahålls av studentkåren Linnékårens som en tjänst för att förmedla lediga tjänster för studenter vid Linnéuniversitetet. Du som vill förmedla ett jobb via tjänsten ska garantera att beskrivningen är korrekt. 

The advertiser is responsible for ensuring that the ads published in Linnaeus Union's channels comply with the rules established by Linnaeus Union. This means, for example, that:
  • The content of the advertisement must not infringe on the rights of others.
  • The advertisement must not cause offense, for example by containing elements of incitement against ethnic groups, pornography, or violence.
  • The advertiser is responsible for ensuring that any persons who can be identified in an advertisement (for example, through a picture or a video or solely through their name) have approved their participation in the advertisement.
  • The advertiser shall ensure that the advertisement is in compliance with applicable data protection regulations, including the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), and that Linnaeus Union does not act in violation of applicable data protection regulations by exposing the advertisement.


The advertiser shall indemnify Linnaeus Union for all damages that Linnaeus Union and its representatives suffer as a result of the advertiser (i) using Linnaeus Union's channels in an unauthorized manner, (ii) acting in violation of the law, or (iii) publishing an advertisement that violates laws and regulations or infringes on third-party rights.
The advertiser shall also compensate Linnaeus Union for any damages, fees, or costs incurred by Linnaeus Union as a result of the advertiser's breach of the agreement. The advertiser's liability under this provision is limited to direct damages, unless the advertiser has caused the damages intentionally or through gross negligence.
The advertiser's obligation to compensate Linnaeus Union also applies in respect of advertisements or materials that Linnaeus Union has reviewed without raising objections.
If demands are made against Linnaeus Union with respect to an advertisement, Linnaeus Union shall inform the advertiser thereof. At Linnaeus Union's request, the advertiser shall, at their own expense and to a reasonable extent, assist Linnaeus Union in handling demands made against Linnaeus Union with respect to an advertisement.
The advertiser understands and accepts that the number of visitors to Linnaeus Union's channels may vary from time to time. Linnaeus Union is not responsible for such variations.
Linnaeus Union also has the right to fully or partially disable or interrupt the publication of the advertiser's advertisements if:
  • The advertiser violates Linnaeus Union's general terms and conditions.
  • The advertiser or a representative of the advertiser behaves inappropriately towards Linnaeus Union's staff, users, or other advertisers.
  • The advertiser does not comply with decisions made by the Swedish National Board for Consumer Disputes or other consumer protection laws.
  • Linnaeus Union has reason to suspect that the advertiser is not conducting a serious business, for example, by acting fraudulently towards Linnaeus Union's users, lacking necessary permits to conduct the business, or providing insufficient or misleading information.

Linnékåren granskar annonsen innan den publiceras, och förbehåller sig rätten att neka publicering av annonser. Linnékåren förbehåller sig även rätten att plocka bort redan publicerade annonser. När tjänsten är tillsatt ska du höra av dig till Linnékårens annonssförmedling och meddela detta.

If you have any questions, you can contact Linnaeus Union at +4610 330 30 09 or info@linnek.se. Dessa villkor kan uppdateras och förändras utan föregående meddelande.

Genom att trycka på ”Lägg upp annons” förhåller sig annonsören till de ovannämnda användarvillkor. 

Your ad will be published at https://linnek.se/jobb

Advertise housing

Advertise your available housing or room with us and reach students actively seeking accommodation.

Advertise scholarships

Support students by advertising your scholarship programs with us.

Vill du korrigera eller har du frågor angående din annons?

Contact us via e-mail, phone, Facebook, or fill in the form. We will reply as soon as possible.
MON-FRI 09:00-11:30