Board & Staff

The Board



Mia Parkkinen (She/her)
Responsible for coordinating the board's work and follow up that decisions made are implemented. Has the ultimate responsibility for the union's activities and cooperation agreements.

Responsible for Social Matters Växjö

Svante Andersson (Han/honom)

Works in Växjö with a focus on students' lives outside their studies: student life and student associations, student social activities, housing issues and working life issues.

Responsible Social Matters Kalmar

My Fagergren (She/her)

Works in Kalmar with issues related to the student social environment, student associations and activities. Can also answer questions regarding housing in Kalmar.

Responsible for Educational Matters Växjö

Alexander Lindqvist (Han/honom)

Works, among other things, with education monitoring, the university's quality development & student representation. Responsible for the Treklöver cooperation. Responsible for the Faculty of Arts and Humanities (FKH), the Faculty of Social Sciences (FSV), & the Faculty of Health and Life Sciences (FHL).

Responsible for Educational Matters Kalmar

Natalie Svensson (She/her)

Works, among other things, with education monitoring, the university's quality development & student representation. Responsible for the School of Business and Economics (FEH), the board for teacher education (NLU), & the Faculty of Technology (FTK). Ekonomihögskolan (FEH), Nämnden för Lärarutbildning (NLU) & Fakulteten för Teknik (FTK).

Part-time board members

Board Representative Växjö
Tahmina Tasnim (Hon/henne)
Board Representative Växjö
Henrik Sahakyan (Han/Honom)
Board Representative Växjö
Dennis Chimaobe (Han/Honom)
Board Representative Kalmar
Tamar Kikacheishvili (Hon/Henne)
Board Representative Kalmar
Kevin Strand (Han/Honom)
Board Representative Kalmar
Judith Sone Ebote (Hon/Henne)


Head of operations

Elin Gunnarsson (She/her)

International Student Co-ordinator

Karin Siöö (She/her)

Marketing Co-ordinator

Arlene Stridh (She/her)

Student and PhD ombudsman

Nicholas Pagden (He/him)

Student and PhD ombudsman Kalmar

Micha Hallberg (They/them)

Student and PhD ombudsman Kalmar

Kinka Barvestad (She/her)
Parental leave
Madelene Svensson (She/her)

Administrator Växjö

Tim Benda (He/him)


Yvonne Winqvist (She/her)


Student politics
Our student policy permeates all our work.
How is the union governed?
Intresserad av att veta mer om hur vi arbetar?
Statutes and values
Here you will find our statutes and additional documents.
Here you will find our statutes and additional documents.

Do you have any questions?

Contact us via e-mail, phone, Facebook, or fill in the form. We will reply as soon as possible.
MON-FRI 09:00-11:30