
Here are other scholarships not held by Linnékåren that you as a student may apply for. Additionally, there are prizes that you may nominate yourself or someone else for. 

Jane M Klausman – Women in Business Scholarship

Även om kvinnor har kommit långt i utbildning och karriär inom affärsvärlden utgör de fortfarande en minoritet av dagens ledare och makthavare. Zonta Internationals stipendium Women in Business syftar till att hjälpa kvinnor att ta en affärsrelaterad examen på kandidat eller master nivå i syfte att nå en ledande position i näringsliv eller samhälle. Vem kan söka Stipendiet kan sökas av dig som studerar på ett kandidat eller master program med specialisering främst inom ekonomi, ekonomisk förvaltning, företagsledning, affärsteknologi, informationsteknologi, marknadsföring, personalledning, internationell affärsverksamhet eller entreprenörskap vid ett ackrediterat universitet eller högskola. För mer information om Zonta, stipendium, ansökningsdatum mm se Ansökan skickas senast 15 augusti till
Last day to apply: 15 August 2024

Leadsson's Scholarship

The Leadsson Scholarship is aimed at students in marketing, journalism, and economics who have written a thesis that contributes to the knowledge of services offered by Leadsson. The purpose is to promote knowledge and practical application in these fields. The scholarship amounts to SEK 5,000 and is awarded based on a thesis written at the C- or D-level. The jury consists of Leadsson’s employees, and the winner’s name may be used for marketing purposes. Applications, including personal information and a thesis summary, should be sent to and must be received by April 30, 2025.
Last day to apply: 30’Th of April 2025 (Recurring 30’Th of April every year)

Compricer Scholarship

Compricer annually awards a scholarship aimed at students who have written an essay in the subject of personal finance. The scholarship is worth SEK 20,000 and can be applied for by both authors of C and D theses.
Last day to apply: 30 september 2024

The Riksdag essay competition

Are you a student and would you like the chance to win the Riksdag essay competition? To enter, you need to write an essay on a subject of your choice, but with a clear connection to the Riksdag. Two winners are selected every year. The prize is composed of a diploma, a gift, an award ceremony and a seminar in the Riksdag based on the themes of the essays. Among others, the Speaker and members of the Riksdag with a connection to the subject of the essay will participate in the ceremony. The essay competition is open to students at bachelor’s or master’s level. Read more about the competition, examples of essay subjects and how to use freely available data from the Riksdag on the Riksdag website.
Last day to apply: 2024-08-31

Find housing

Are you looking for accommodation? Check out our housing portal where you can find the latest ads for available student apartments and rooms.

Find jobs

Are you looking for a part-time job or an internship? Our job ad portal is filled with current job offers.

The Linnaeus Union's scholarship

Are you an active and engaged student? The Linnaeus Union offers scholarships to reward and support you specifically.
Housing info - Växjö
To find accommodation in Växjö, there are several housing agencies and various options available for students.
Housing info - Kalmar
In Kalmar, there are various options for student accommodation available through several housing companies.

Do you have any questions?

Contact us via e-mail, phone, Facebook, or fill in the form. We will reply as soon as possible.
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