Housing info - Kalmar

Welcome to Kalmar!

Are you searching for housing in Kalmar? We have put together a guide on how to find accommodation, what rules apply, and what is worth considering. Below, you can read more about how Kalmarhem''s housing guarantee works, as well as information about other housing companies and landlords.

Linnaeus Union's housing agency

As a student at Linnaeus University you have access to our very own housing portal where private landlords rent out rooms, apartments or even houses. Contact each landlord for more information.

If you can't find anything through the housing portal go back to the Housing guide above that informs about queueing systems, registration with different housing companies etc. Contact each company's Customer services for more specific info.

Start early and be persistent!

Start planning your stay in terms of your future accommodation as soon as you have decided to study at Linnaeus University. Don't think that it will be solved last minute. Every year there are students that choose not to begin studies here due to lack of affordable housing, and students that find themselves paying rent way over their budgets. You need to be active in your search - it takes time. Many of the housing companies have no or very little information in English but do not let this limit you. 

Student accommodation

The biggest landlord in student housing in Kalmar is Kalmarhem. Kalmarhem offers a student housing guarantee. To be covered by the guarantee, you must meet certain requirements, which you can read more about here. here. Viktigt att tänka på är att du aktivt måste söka minst en (1) bostad hos Kalmarhem vid varje webbpubliceringstillfälle från det att du har blivit antagen och tackat ja till ditt antagningsbesked på antagning.se. 

To register on their site you need to have gotten your Notification of selection results. You can read more about Kalmarhem here.

There are other landlords that have student housing in Kalmar. You can contact them via an application of interest, e-mail, or phone. At the moment we recommend the following landlords as an alternative to Kalmarhem.  

Regular housing

Of course, there are also other housing options that don't demand that you are a student. Below, we provide a link to several different options in Kalmar. It is worth noting that these landlords often require proof of income or similar documents. 

Subletting, furnished apartments and more  

Linnaeus Union has a housing agency that is available to all students. There, you can find private landlords renting out rooms, apartments, houses. No registration necessary, you contact the person renting out directly via e-mail or phone.  

Ytterligare tips är Blocket! Där är det bra att både söka på befintliga annonser om lediga boenden, men också att du lägger ut en annons som bostadsökande med lite information om dig själv där sedan privata hyresvärdar istället tar kontakt med dig om de har något boende som passar dig.

We can also suggest various Facebook groups for apartment rentals. Like Blocket, members advertise vacant apartments, rooms, and subletting in these groups. There are also many people who post about looking for housing there, especially at the beginning of the autumn semester. You can find some of the groups below.

Short term housing

If you find yourself in a situation where you need a roof over your head quickly or perhaps need somewhere to stay before finding permanent housing, we have some alternatives we can recommend.

Det är viktigt att tänka på säkerheten, kostnaden och läget (närheten till campus och bussförbindelser) i sökandet av korttidsboende. Det är också viktigt att vara beredd på att boendet kanske inte är det mest bekväma eller lyxiga, men det funkar för en kortare period. 

Things to keep in mind

Determine your rental budget and make sure it is realistic for your finances. Also, consider other costs that may be included, such as electricity, water, waste management, internet, and cable TV.

Contract: Read through the lease agreement carefully and make sure you understand all terms and conditions before signing it. Consider the rental period, notice period, rent increases, deposit, and responsibility for any damages.

Condition of the apartment: Inspect the apartment thoroughly before renting it and note any damages or deficiencies. Also, find out if all appliances are working properly.

Location: Consider the location and its proximity to campus, public transportation, stores, and other amenities. Also, think about the safety of the area.

Landlord: Find out who the landlord is and what their reputation is. Also, ask previous tenants about their experiences renting from the same landlord. Beware of unscrupulous landlords as fraudulent activities are increasing in Sweden!

The landlords can also assist you if you experience safety issues in your residential area, such as poor street lighting, insecurity in the stairwell or or if there are people in the area who behave strangely.

it is important to feel safe duirngyour stay. We have created a Trygghetssida – Linnékåren (linnek.se)

Terminsstart: När startar programmet/kursen du ska gå? Du behöver boende någon eller några dagar innan det drar igång. Terminstiderna går att hitta på Terminstider | lnu.se

Protect yourself against fraud

Be aware that fraud is becoming more common. Learn about different types of fraud methods used in apartment scams, such as fake ads, copied listings, overpriced apartments, or landlords requesting payments through insecure or unusual methods. The more aware you are of these methods, the better equipped you will be to avoid being deceived.

Report suspicious activities: If you believe you have encountered a case of apartment fraud or if you have been deceived, report it to local authorities or the police as soon as possible. By reporting fraud, you help protect others from getting into trouble.

More info at the police's website


Find housing

Are you looking for accommodation? Check out our housing portal where you can find the latest ads for available student apartments and rooms.

Find jobs

Are you looking for a part-time job or an internship? Our job ad portal is filled with current job offers.

The Linnaeus Union's scholarship

Are you an active and engaged student? The Linnaeus Union offers scholarships to reward and support you specifically.

Find scholarships

Explore different scholarship opportunities and find the one that best suits you.

Do you have any questions?

Contact us via e-mail, phone, Facebook, or fill in the form. We will reply as soon as possible.
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