How is the union governed?


Through an organized structure and democratic process, the Linnaeus Union ensures that its members have the opportunity to influence and shape decisions concerning their common interests and student life at the university. The elected representatives and bodies work together to create a favorable and representative environment for the students.

It is important for the Linnaeus Union to be democratic in order to create an inclusive, legitimate, and participatory environment where members can actively influence and shape their study experience and community within the Linnaeus Union.

Influence as a member

The members exercise their power indirectly by voting in the student union election, where they appoint board members for the upcoming operational year. They also have a direct influence by participating in the membership meetings.

Member Meeting

The highest decision-making body in the Linnaeus Union is the member meeting. Here, the members make decisions about the major overall issues concerning the student union's activities. All members are welcome to participate, submit proposals and vote.

The members' meeting is held four times a year. Date, time and place are announced on our Facebook pages och här på

Student Union Election

The union election is a crucial opportunity for students to actively participate in the decision-making process that shapes their study experience. By participating in the election, you transfer your individual power to the bodies responsible for making decisions within the student union. This is of great significance because it gives every member the opportunity to influence and shape the direction that the student union and the university take.

An election is important because it creates a democratic platform where every student has the right to express their opinions and preferences. By voting, you not only express your own thoughts and opinions, but you also participate in creating a collective voice for the student union. This collective engagement gives students the power to influence decisions ranging from educational policies and student services to overarching university issues.

In summary, a union election is of utmost importance as it provides every student with an opportunity to be an active participant in the democratic process that governs the student union and the university. It not only empowers individuals to influence decision-making but also creates a strong and unified voice that represents the collective opinions and interests of the student body.

Election Committee

The Election Committee handles the student union election and receives all applications and nominations to the union board. The Election Committee ensures that there are candidates for all positions and conducts interviews with the candidates for the remunerated assignments.

The election committee is appointed at the members' meeting. The work is carried out mainly in the spring when it's time for student union election, but it also happens that vacancies arise during the year and then it's the task of the nomination committee to produce candidates for them. You need to be or become a member of the Student Union to be on the election committee.

The election committee gets a fee, as well as new experiences, something to include in their resume, and a larger personal network.

Full-time board

The presidium consists of full-time paid students who have either taken a study break to get involved in the Linnaeus Union or chosen to do so after completing their studies.

The presidium consists of a president and four vice-presidents and they are elected by direct election by the members of the union once a year. Part-time paid board members are also elected in the union election, but carry out their assignments alongside their studies instead of full-time. 

Part-time board members

There are six part-time positions on the Linnaeus Students' board. Three in each location. These positions do not require taking a study break and are managed alongside studies. 

Part-time board members attend board meetings and are expected to participate and represent the Student Union in various projects throughout the year. Part-time board members receive a small monthly fee.


In addition to the presidium and the board, the Linnaeus Union has employees who are responsible for the day-to-day operation.

Our offices in Växjö and Kalmar have operational responsibility for areas such as the Buddy program, housing issues, legal security, administration, membership registration, finance, event planning, and strategic information work.  


Student politics
Our student policy permeates all our work.
Statutes and values
Here you will find our statutes and additional documents.
Here you will find our statutes and additional documents.
Here you can find our contact information.

Do you have any questions?

Contact us via e-mail, phone, Facebook, or fill in the form. We will reply as soon as possible.
MON-FRI 09:00-11:30