Linnaeus Union is a LGBTQ-qualified organization 

Support and Advice

If you experience problems, you should primarily discuss them with your examiner or course convener. If that doesn’t help, or there are reasons for not doing so, you should turn to your programme coordinator or your prefect instead. In some cases it might also be a good idea to contact your study counsellor, the Office of Student Affairs or the Student Welfare Office .

If the problems relate to educational quality matters in general and concern many students in your course or programme, you should contact one of our board members Responsible for Educational Matters in Växjö or Kalmar.

If you’ve been treated poorly, are unsure about the rules, need help with complaints or support and advice in disciplinary matters you should contact our Student and PhD ombudsmen.


It is your responsibility to be familiar with your rights and responsibilities. Do not put yourself in a situation where cheating or plagiarism can be a tempting solution, or where it could happen by accident!

Attend the university libarary's öppna föreläsningar och workshops samt på Studieverstadens seminarieserie ”Så lyckas du med dina studier” som erbjuds vid terminsstart!

Tips om studieteknik? Läs Ingmar Anderssons Hur pluggar du?

Make sure you understand and follow all instructions related to each particular assignment or exam. Ask for clarification if necessary!

Avoid time pressure by starting early and submitting early.

Formulera dina egna svar. Det är your arbete som ska bedömas.

Make references to all sources you’ve used or been “inspired” by. Don't get too inspired!

Focus on citations and references when you proofread. Ask for help with proofreading from people not taking the same course.

Be very cautious when looking at other student’s work or showing your work to others, especially before deadline. Don’t get too influenced by their solutions!

Be aware of what things you bring to the exam. Report mistakes yourself rather than getting "caught".

In groupwork: Work with reliable peers.

In groupwork: Discuss expectations and handle problems early!

In groupwork: Keep records of progress and who has done what.

Inform your teacher and ask for help if your run into problems.

In groupwork: Be aware that there might be cultural differences in what constitutes studying, taking responsibility, cheating or plagiarism. Discuss them!

Do not cheat! Consider better options like asking for an extension, don´t submit your work, aim for the re-exam instead or simply re-take the course.

If you need pedagogical support due to a disability, please contact the coordinators at to get the support you are entitled to.

At each department (institution in Swedish) the Head of department is responsible for the work environment for students as well as for staff. If you have concerns about your physical or psychosocial study environment you should contact the Head of department, the safety representative, the student safety representative or the Student Union.


All forms of harassment and discrimination should be reported to the university. Please see the university´s page for details or contact our Student and PhD ombudsmen for how to proceed.

After each course you should get a chance to do an anonymous course evaluation. Please use that opportunity to comment on what has and hasn’t worked well since it is a valuable tool for future course improvement.

Course evaluations should be summarized and commented on by the course coordinator. You should also get feedback on the evaluation afterwards and be informed about any changes made to future courses as result of the course evaluation.

If you want to find our what has been said about a particular course you can request a copy of earlier course evaluations by mailing or the education administrator.

You can influence your education, your study environment and how the university works in several ways:

  • Participate in course and programme evaluations when possible! Ask for feedback on them afterwards, ask your teacher to present the results from and changes made as a result of previous evaluations when you start a new course, or request a copy of it from
  • Support our work with monitoring educational quality by becoming a member of the Student Union Linnékåren.
  • Join your programme board* as a class representative or suggest the creation of a programme board if there isn’t one already.
  • Become a student representative* in one of the university boards or committees.
  • Become the student safety representative* at your department or faculty. (Please note: This requires fluency in Swedish!)
  • Get involved in a student association or in one of the student nations.
  • Join the Student Union’s Buddy program.
  • Get elected as a part-time or full-time member of the Student Union board (Please note: This requires fluency in Swedish!)
  • Keep yourself updated and contribute as an alumni or mentor for others students.


* Please mail us at for more information about how to get involved. Many positions are financially compensated and do not require any special skills.

ChatGPT is most useful and creates the least problems when used as a supplement to your own learning, course materials, and lecture materials. Use it to increase your understanding of the subject, for example to create summaries, generate practice questions, or provide feedback on the quality of your own writing. Think of it as an aid to develop, challenge, diversify, and refine your own knowledge and writing, rather than as a tool that does the work for you.  

It is rarely appropriate to use ChatGPT during ongoing examinations and is not a replacement for course materials, your own analytical skills, or critical thinking.

Familiarize yourself with the rules that apply to the task at hand and always follow the task instructions. If ChatGPT or similar AI tools are allowed to be used as aids in your work/examination, you should clearly indicate how you have used the service, i.e., in what way, for what purpose, and in which parts of your work. You can do this by:  

  • Taking responsibility for the reliability of your work. This means, among other things, that you need to fact-check generated text and data by verifying them against other more reliable and scientific sources. Note that ChatGPT, like Wikipedia, is not considered an original source!
  • Never using material (regardless of source) that you do not understand, cannot explain, or stand for.
  • Paraphrasing, i.e., rephrasing generated text in your own words so that it truly becomes your language, your choice of words, and your thoughts. Changing a word here and there is not enough! Alternatively, if for some reason you want to use the text exactly as it is, you can directly quote the generated text. Quotations should be marked with quotation marks and a reference to the source.
  • Referencing ChatGPT when you have used it, whether it is a quote or a paraphrase. Include it in the bibliography in the same way as other sources. If you are using the Harvard system, it could look like this:
    • In the running text: (ChatGPT, 2023)
    • In the bibliography: ChatGPT. (2023). GPT-3.5 [Language model]. OpenAI. Retrieved from  
  • If you have used ChatGPT for anything other than text, you can add a paragraph like "The text is my own, but ChatGPT has been used to create a suitable structure and for proofreading."


You do not know in advance how other students choose to use your work, and in the worst case, it can have serious consequences for both of you. During individual examinations or take-home exams, you should: 

  • Never discuss tasks or proposed solutions with other students
  • Never share or distribute your answers or proposed solutions to other students
  • Never request or access other students' answers or proposed solutions

Take responsibility for what you submit by acting ethically, being clear and transparent, so as not to risk being suspended for cheating or plagiarism!  

Read more (in Swedish)

Linnéuniversitetet. 2023. Högskolepedagogiska funderingar om öppen AI – några förslag och rekommendationer.

Kjällkvist, P. 2023. ChatGPT – fusk, hjälp eller digital killgissning? Lunds universitet.

Stockholms universitet. 2023. Vägledning om användning av AI-drivna chattbotar vid utbildning och forskning.

Högskolan Borås. 2023. AI och examinationer.

Lunds universitet. AI i undervisningen

Exams and grades


A programme consists of several courses intended to be taken in a certain order. Sometimes there are prerequisite courses or a certain number of credits you need to have taken to be allowed to start the next course. Read the programme syllabus and the course syllabus for each mentioned course to find out what applies, and expect those prerequisites to also apply to you!


The course syllabus is a legally binding document that has to be adhered to. It describes the course goals, contents and forms of examination, so it might be a good idea to read it in advnce. Your can search for your course syllabus here.

(The following only in Swedish)

”En kursplan innehåller föreskrifter i den mening som avses i 8 kap. regeringsformen. Regeldokumentet för kurs och examination ska därmed följas på samma sätt som lagar beslutade av riksdagen och förordningar beslutade av regeringen. Det betyder att reglerna är bindande och att dessa gäller generellt. Kursplanen är således ett juridiskt bindande dokument som universitetet och dess lärare, examinatorer och studenter har att förhålla sig till.” 

”Universitetets informationsmaterial om kursutbud ska utgå från kursplanen. Den kurs som realiseras till studenten måste stämma överens med vad som framgår av kursplanen, universitetets informationsmaterial och webbtexter” 

”De examinationsformer som används för att bedöma studenternas prestationer ska anges.”

”Examinationsformerna ska preciseras för varje kurs/delkurs och dess poänggivande examinerande moment.”

”Möjligheten att begränsa studentens antal examinationstillfällen till minst fem (för VFU minst två) ska endast användas undantagsvis och då främst när det finns starka ekonomiska skäl, det vill säga då examinationen är så pass kostsam att det är försvarligt att begränsa antal tillfällen.”

”Begränsningar av antalet examinationstillfällen ska framgå av kursplanen.”    



There is a list of the course literature at the end of the course syllabus. You should assume that the list is current, but it seldom hurts to verify it with the course coordinator, especially if you plan on getting the books far in advance.


Students need to plan and priortitize their studies and life in general, so it is important that course schedules are available in time, that they are complete and do not keep changing over time. 

Your schedule should be available at least a month before the course starts so you have time to get hold of course literature and plan your studies, Dates and times for regular exams should be clearly stated in the schedule, but not necessarily re-exams. Please ask your teacher if you have any questions!

Late schedules, recurring changes or several different versions of a course schedule should not be accepted!

You must usually sign up for written exams separately, and they are not always visible on the course schedule. Please ask you teacher if you’re not sure about what applies to signing up for exams in your course.

You have the right to take written examinations anonymously, but that does not apply to seminars, oral presentations, labs etc.

Lokala regler för kurs och examination på grundnivå och avancerad nivå (s. 7) anger att Student med funktionsnedsättning ska erbjudas anpassade men så likvärdiga förutsättningar som möjligt som övriga studenter för att genomföra examinationen. Examinator beslutar efter samråd med samordnare för studenter med funktionsnedsättning om anpassad eller alternativ examination.” Detta förutsätter dock att kursplanen faktiskt ger examinatorn den handlingsfriheten* och att studenten har intyg från samordnarna för studenter med funktionsnedsättning. Det är dock alltid examinator som bestämmer om, och i så fall vilka, anpassningar som kan göras.   



 Det ska finnas minst ett förnyat examinationstillfälle i nära anslutning till ordinarie examinationstillfälle. För en salstenta rör det sig oftast om 4–8 veckor. Omtentatillfället ska meddelas senast vid ordinarie tentamenstillfälle. Omtentan och ordinarie tenta bör vara snarlika ifråga om svårighetsgrad och omfattning, men frågornas typ och poänggränser kan skilja sig åt. 

You must have at least 10 working days to study for the re-exam after getting the results from the first exam.

Sometimes there are additional chances to take exams or submit assignments (for example next semester or during summer), but it’s nothing you should assume or can demand as it varies from course to course, year to year and teacher to teacher. Ask you teacher what applies to each specific course you’re taking.

Tentor är allmänna handlingar som ska lämnas ut på begäran. Både prov (dvs. tentafrågor/examinationsuppgifter) och enskilda studenters provsvar/lösningar är allmänna offentliga handlingar som universitetet är skyldiga är lämna ut på begäran. Detta gäller all prov och provsvar (såvida de inte omfattas av sekretess), och begränsar sig inte till den enskilde studentens genomförda prov eller till kurser studenten själv deltagit på. I praktiken innebär det att studenter alltid har rätt att ta del av gamla tentor och examinationsuppgifter.

Strul vid tentan? ”Vid försummelse eller annan oförutsedd händelse vid universitetet då examinationstillfälle inte har kunnat erbjudas som planerat ska nytt examinationstillfälle erbjudas. Kursansvarig fakultet/institution ansvarar för att fastställa ett nytt examinationstillfälle, vilket ska anordnas inom två veckor från det att försummelsen eller den oförutsedda händelsen inträffade.” (Lokala regler för kurs och examination på grundnivå och avancerad nivå, s. 11)

-: Exempel på ”försummelse eller annan oförutsedd händelse vid universitetet” kan vara att examinationsunderlaget (dvs. tentan eller examinatorns anteckningar från ett seminarium) försvinner, att brandlarmet går under tiden tentan pågår eller att studenterna fått felaktig information om dag, tid eller plats för examinationen. Om det sker kommer nytt examinationstillfälle att anordnas och du får göra om tentan igen. En försvunnen tenta leder alltså inte till att du blir automatiskt godkänd! Däremot är din egen sjukdom, sjuka barn, kraschade hårddiskar, inställda tåg/bussar, snöstormar, inplanerade tandläkarbesök, din pappas 50-årsfest och dåliga parkeringsmöjligheter nära tentasalen omständigheter som universitetet inte kan råda över; det ansvaret är ditt och du kan därför inte räkna med ett nytt examinationstillfälle pga. den typen av problem.

Your should get individual grades 

The person formally assigned to set your grade is called the examiner, and you should get information about who that is at the start of your course. The examiner usually reads and marks the assignments him/herself, but is sometimes forced to rely on other teachers’ assessment before doing so.

All forms of examinations should be designed so that an individual grade can be set. It should be possible to determine who has done what in, for example, groupwork or projects.

You should get your grades within 15 work days

Examinationsuppgifter ska bedömas och betyget meddelas inom 15 arbetsdagar:

”Om inte särskilda skäl föreligger ska examinationen bedömas och resultatet meddelas studenten senast 15 arbetsdagar efter examinationstillfället. […] Resultat från aktuell examination och sammanvägning av kurs ska efter bedömning och betygssättning skyndsamt dokumenteras i Ladok.” (Lokala regler för kurs och examination på grundnivå och avancerad nivå, s. 13)

Om resultaten inte meddelats inom 15 arbetsdagar bör det påpekas för läraren. Vad särskilda skäl i praktiken betyder är inte helt klarlagt, men om resultaten dröjer är det rimligt att institutionen åtminstone informerar om vad fördröjningen beror på samt när resultaten förväntas meddelas. 

UKÄ anser att betyg som har satts/kommunicerats också bör inrapporteras i LADOK inom ca. fem arbetsdagar. 

You have the right to get feedback

Du har rätt att på begäran få återkoppling på din examinationsuppgift oavsett examinationsform, inte bara ett betyg. (Lokala regler för kurs och examination på grundnivå och avancerad nivå, s. 13)

You should get replies within 2-3 days

Förvaltningslagen 4 § anger att ”Varje myndighet skall lämna upplysningar, vägledning, råd och annan sådan hjälp till enskilda i frågor som rör myndighetens verksamhetsområde. Hjälpen skall lämnas i den utsträckning som är lämplig med hänsyn till frågans art, den enskildes behov av hjälp och myndighetens verksamhet.” 

Universitetet är en myndighet och serviceskyldighet innebär, enligt UKÄ, bland annat att svar på enklare frågor via t ex e-post bör ges inom högst tre dagar.

A set grade cannot be lowered or appealed

Ett godkänt betyg eller positivt beslut kan inte sänkas eller ändras till din nackdel efter att det har meddelats. Ett betyg kan inte överklagas till högre instans eller överprövas av någon annan. Däremot kan du begära rättelse vid enkla och uppenbara misstag såsom felaktig summering av poäng på en tenta.  

Du kan även begära att examinator omprövar sitt betygsbeslut om du har välgrundande argument och tror du kan visa att det begåtts ett (för examinatorn) uppenbart misstag i förhållande till exempelvis kursplanens mål eller bedömningskriterierna. Svepande argument som att ”jag har skrivit nästan samma sak som min kompis”, ”jag tycker jag borde fått fler poäng på fråga 3” eller ”jag ligger ju så nära godkäntgränsen” brukar däremot sällan övertyga.

The examiner might offer you to do supplemental work 

The examiner can occasionally offer you the chance to do supplemental work if your assignment is very close to getting a pass. Whether you get a chance to supplement you work or not is the teacher’s decision and not something you can assume or demand. If offered, it must be clear what needs to be done and by when. If your supplemental work is not submitted, not submitted on time, or does not fulfill the requirement, the whole assignment will get a fail. Work that has already been supplemented cannot be supplemented again.

Responsible for Educational Matters

Do you have concerns about educational quality, how courses are run, the progression of a programme, or experience poor processes, systems or administrative routines? Contact our board members responsible for Educational Matters to voice your opinion and help us change them once and for all! 

Our board members responsible for Educational Matters primarily work with general quality matters by keeping an eye on and influencing decisions at departmental, faculty and university board level, course and programme syllabi, quality evaluations, local rules, regulations and policy matters.

Natalie Svensson (She/her)
Responsible for Educational Matters Kalmar

Works, among other things, with education monitoring, the university's quality development & student representation. Responsible for the School of Business and Economics (FEH), the board for teacher education (NLU), & the Faculty of Technology (FTK). Responsible for the faculties FKH, FTK & The Faculty of Technology (FTK)

Simon Ivarsson
Responsible for Educational Matters Växjö

Works, among other things, with education monitoring, the university's quality development & student representation. Responsible for the Treklöver cooperation. Responsible for the faculties FHL, & and FEH.

Student and PhD ombudsmen

Contact our ombudsmen if you have questions about your rights or feel poorly treated by teachers of staff. They will answer your questions and give support and advise concerning your rights and responsibilities  as a student or PhD student.

Common questions include student rights and responsibilities, exams, grading procedures, schedules and problematic interactions with teachers. The ombudsmen can also assist in cases involving disciplinary matters, discrimination, harassment and sexual harassment. They can be contacted anonymously, handle cases in confidentiality and will only discuss a case with others with your approval.  

Micha Hallberg (They/them)

Student and PhD ombudsman Kalmar

Nicholas Pagden (He/him)

Student and PhD ombudsman

Kinka Barvestad (She/her)

Student and PhD ombudsman Kalmar