Buddy program

The Buddy program has boosted my self-confidence!

Every year, approximately 800-900 students enroll in the Buddy program. The purpose of the Buddy program's is to ensure that newbies feel welcomed and secure in their new environment.

My English has improved a lot since I joined the Buddy program!

What is the Buddy Program?

All students are welcome to become buddies. There's much to gain from connecting with and understanding students from different countries. Maybe you have already studied abroad, and would like to keep in contact with that culture? Whether your goal is to work in an international company after completing your studies or to pursue a career with an NGO abroad, engaging with international students can be invaluable. 

Regardless, the Buddy program has something for you! 

You have the opportunity to connect with international students, broaden your social circle, enhance your language proficiency, and enjoy yourself in the process! Answering newcomers' inquiries, accompanying them on their first grocery shopping trip, and hitting up the student pub together exemplify the experiences you can share as a buddy.

Upon completing one semester, you'll have the opportunity to receive a certificate that can be beneficial for your exchange studies' applications or job searches.

To become a buddy fall 2024 register during the spring or summer. Read more under What happens next.

Are you done with your studies If you plan to remain in Växjö for work and want to keep engaging with international students, consider exploring the local association Friend Family Kronoberg

How you become a buddy

Register by clicking on the green button below.

Fill out all the info, hit "send". You may later get contacted and asked to add info to your registration. Keep an eye on the email used upon registration to the Buddy program.

You får en inbjudan via mejl till en introduktion, som kan vara fysisk eller på Teams. Det är ett bra tillfälle att ställa frågor. Du kan också använda formuläret längst ner på den här sidan.

The result of the matching of buddies and newbies will be shared to the email you used upon registration. Read the Buddy guide for suggestions and advice!

What happens next

When you have been informed of who you have been matched with - it is up to you if you're interested in more than one newbie - do a little research about the newbie's home country. Then you reach out to your newbie, and answer possible questions. 

Once the student is in Kalmar or Växjö, suggest to meet for a fika or a beer. Have fun, learn something new!

At the end of the semester you may contact us to ask for a certificate that later will be of use if you are interested in applying for exchange studies or for a job. If you would like to be a buddy again, register for the semester in question.

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Any questions about the Buddy program?

Contact our international Student Coordinator Karin!