FOR all PhD students
Few PhD students see themselves as students, but you are! Below you find information about what we can do for you, your rights as a student, as well as other useful stuff.
Additional information for employed and international PhD students
Latest news, reports etc.
PhD-related news from SFS can always be found here.
250115: ST: Swedoc Conference, 2-3 of April 2025 in Uppsala
250115: UKÄ: Digital konferens: Forskarutbildning i närbild. 20/3 (in Swedish)
20241021: SULF. Best practice – Doctoral candidates’ individual study plan
240412: UKÄ. Antalet doktorandnybörjare ökar (In Swedish only)
20240411: Universitetsläraren. Migrationsregler utreds för att underlätta för doktorander och forskare. (In Swedish only)
20240206: LNU. Doktorandbarometern. PDF. (In Swedish only)
240402: Universitetslä – Missnöje med doktorandstege i Örebro – men inte vid KI (In Swedish only)
240311: Universitetslä – Växande kritik mot doktorandstege baserad på prestation (In Swedish only)
240119: Universitetslä – Efter ny dom: Migrationsverket får backa om försörjningskravet. (In Swedish only)
240111: UKÄ. Vägledning för utbildningsutvärdering på forskarnivå. (In Swedish only)
231219: UKÄ. Forskarutbildningen i fokus. (Podcast, in Swedish only)
231108: UKÄ. Forskarutbildningen central när UKÄ lämnar förslag till forsknings- och innovationspolitiken (in Swedish only)
230929: LNU. Principer för hantering av kurser på forskarnivå inom Lärosäten Syd. (in Swedish only)
230908: UKÄ. Forskarutbildning i närbild – En tematisk sammanställning av resultat från utbildningsutvärderingar av forskarutbildning 2017-2022. (in Swedish only)
230425: UKÄ. Långsiktiga konsekvenser av coronapandemin för doktorander och juniora forskare. (In Swedish only)
230301: UKÄ. Internationell mobilitet i forskarutbildningen 2023. (In Swedish only)
230206: UKÄ. Delredovisning 2 av regeringsuppdrag om uppföljning av dimensionering av utbildning på forskarnivå, visstidsanställningar och mobilitet mellan högskolan och andra sektorer. (In Swedish only)
230103: A couple of short but interesting video presentations related to doctoral studies from LNU´s Kvalitetskonferens 2022:
- Avhandlingsdagar – ett konkret sätt att förbättra doktoranders forskningsmiljö – Viktor Kaldo, professor, Kristiina Tyni, doktorand, FHL (in Swedish only)
- Lunchseminarier för doktorander och seniora forskare – Bengt Larsson, professor, FSV (in Swedish only)
221222: SULF. Unga kvinnliga forskare betalade priset för omställningen under pandemin., 221222. (in Swedish only)
221212: SFS are conducting a survey on how the situation for teaching staff has changed over time. Find out more!
221018: SFS. Ny prognos från UKÄ: antalet forskarstuderande avtar. (SFS’s comments on UKÄ’s report 221010. In Swedish only)
221010: SULF. Efter disputationen blir akademin ojämställd. (in Swedish only)
221010: UKÄ. Rapport. Högskolans framtida behov av doktorsexaminerade. (in Swedish only)
220922: Young Academy of Sweden recently published A Beginner’s Guide to Swedish Academia
220909: SFS. Kan doktoranden må bra? Blogginlägg av SFS:s ordförande i doktorandkommittén.
220811: SULF. Bra möte med Migrationsverket (in Swedish only)
220804: SULF. Sulf träffar Migrationsverket. (in Swedish only)
220615: UKÄ. Rapport. Doktorander med bristande studieprestation. (in Swedish only)
220609: UKÄ. Doktorander och examina på forskarnivå 2021. (in Swedish only)
220603: SULF. Information about The Aliens Act, permanent residence permit FAQ and a link to the Swedish Migration Authority’s Checklists and examples of attestation of third-cycle studies(doctoral studies)relatera
Why not take a few minutes to find out what we are, what we do and what we can do for you?
Get a Welcome package (Växjö or Kalmar)
- We send a monthly newsletter to all members of the Linnaeus Union with the most up-to-date information about what is happening, upcoming events, member benefits etc. Just become a member to get it.
- Das Papier – Our brief information posted inside all toilets on campus. Or read it here sitting anywhere you want 🙂
There is a lot of information on our Support and advice page, but you should also read the university’s Student rights and responsibilities.
Students have the right to be represented in all preparatory or decision-making organs at the university, and that is true for PhD students as well. In every faculty board there is a spot reserved for a PhD student and you also tend to have reserved spots in doctoral supervisory committees and research education councils. Of course, you can become a student representative in a university body even if there are no reserved spots for PhD students.
You can read more about student representation here and most of what is written under ”Course evaluations and getting involvedon this page also applies to you as a PhD student, but there are some exceptions…
Finally you should check what SFS’s Doctoral committee (SFS-DK) is up to and make sure to join their Facebook groups.
Maps with buildings and rooms for Växjö and Kalmar
Find out more about a particular room
At each department (institution in Swedish) the Head of department is responsible for the work environment for all students and staff. If you have concerns about your physical or social work environment as an employee, you should contact the Head of department or one of the safety representatives at your faculty.
Find out more about and LNU’s systematic work with work environment (The Swedish version of the page has a lot more information.)
At LNU, the work with gender equality, diversity, equality, accessability and equal treatment has been integrated into a whole under the term Equality of opportunity. Please read more about it here!
All forms of discrimination, harassment and sexual harassment should be reported!
Cheating and plaiarism is not taken lightly, and it is your responsibility to know the rules. Some of these might be new to you of differ from those in other countries. Please make sure that you understand and follow them! If you have any questions related to cheating, plagiarism, academic writing or referencing, please discuss them with your supervisor or with us.
See details about general service and support available at LNU, including Student services, InfoCenter, Technical support and some of the most common IT-systems you will use while at univerisity.
A number of steering documents at LNU.
For a current list, please expand the tab “Chefer vid Linnéuniversitetet, kontaka fakulteterna” halfway down the page. (Currently only works for the Swedish version of the page.)
If you simply want to find a particular person, use the search function at
If you feel stressed, depressed, anxious, have relationship problems or are going through a crisis the Student Welfare Office is there for you. They work with well-being and is available in both Kalmar and Växjö for all student, including PhD students. They believe in early intervention, high availability, low thresholds and can be a great first contact if you are not well. Find out more about what they offer, or book a consultation!
The Student Welfare Office also offer courses, group activities in Kalmar and Växjö as well as online lectures and sessions related to mindfulness, yoga, stress management and more.
As a student you can turn to the university’s Student Welfare Office for support and professional counselling free of charge, either online or in person.
Students with disabilities have the possibility to use study support during their studies. The support is individual and planned together with you and your coordinator. Please apply as soon as possible, preferably already when you have been accepted. Find out more!
Please note that the university library also have services and resources for reading disabilities.
Försäkrad som anställd
Försäkrad genom facket
Healthcare and mental healthcare
- In cace of emergency go to the emergency department at the hospital. If you need ambulance call 112. (Same number for police, fire department and ambulance).
- If you can wait till the next working day call your medical center (vårdcentral). If you need medical advise no matter day or time call 1177.
We recommend that you create an account at the public healthcare platform where you can keep track of all your details. At the bottom of the page you can change language.
Student Welfare Office
If you feel stressed, depressed, anxious, have relationship problems or are going through a crisis the Student Welfare Office is there for you. They work with well-being and is available in both Kalmar and Växjö for all student, including PhD students. They believe in early intervention, high availability, low thresholds and can be a great first contact if you are not well. Find out more about what they offer, or book a consultation!
The Student Welfare Office also offer courses, group activities in Kalmar and Växjö as well as online lectures and sessions related to mindfulness, yoga, stress management and more.
As a student you can turn to the university’s Student Welfare Office for support and professional counselling free of charge, either online or in person.
Please see further information in the similar sections under International PhD and Employed PhD if that applies to you!
For emergencies (police, ambulance, fire department) call 112.
For all other questions related to crisis, accidents and security at the university, please see LNU’s webpage Crisis and security.
General LNU information
There is general information for researchers and research projects here, as well as research communication (only in Swedish however)
Faculty-specific information
Each faculty has their own PhD page. Find them listed here.
PhD Handbook
SFS (Swedish National Union of Students) has the online PhD Handbook – A Comprehensive Guide for Doctoral Studies in Sweden that we think is very useful, especially for international PhD students. Get it at the SFS website or directly at PhD Handbook.
A world-class doctoral education
SFS also describe their views of what A world-class doctoral education should be, and it is well worth reading.
Finish on Time
Åsa Burman’s The Doctoral Student Handbook: Master Effectiveness. Reduce Stress. Finish on Time costs 250 SEK. The title pretty much lets you know what it is about. It´s also available in Swedish as Bli klar i tid och må bra på vägen : handbok för doktorander. Get it at our office in Kalmar och Växjö.
Responsible for Educational Matters
Do you have concerns about educational quality, how courses are run, the progression of a programme, or experience poor processes, systems or administrative routines? Contact our board members responsible for Educational Matters to voice your opinion and help us change them once and for all!
Our board members responsible for Educational Matters primarily work with general quality matters by keeping an eye on and influencing decisions at departmental, faculty and university board level, course and programme syllabi, quality evaluations, local rules, regulations and policy matters.
Responsible for Educational Matters Kalmar
Works, among other things, with education monitoring, the university's quality development & student representation. Responsible for the School of Business and Economics (FEH), the board for teacher education (NLU), & the Faculty of Technology (FTK). Responsible for the faculties FKH, FTK & The Faculty of Technology (FTK)
Responsible for Educational Matters Växjö
Works, among other things, with education monitoring, the university's quality development & student representation. Responsible for the Treklöver cooperation. Responsible for the faculties FHL, & and FEH.
Student and PhD ombudsmen
Contact our ombudsmen if you have questions about your rights or feel poorly treated by teachers of staff. They will answer your questions and give support and advise concerning your rights and responsibilities as a student or PhD student.
Common questions include student rights and responsibilities, exams, grading procedures, schedules and problematic interactions with teachers. The ombudsmen can also assist in cases involving disciplinary matters, discrimination, harassment and sexual harassment. They can be contacted anonymously, handle cases in confidentiality and will only discuss a case with others with your approval.