The Buddy program

The Buddy program boosted my self-confidence!

Every year, approximately 800-900 students enroll in the Buddy program. The purpose of the Buddy program's is to ensure that newbies feel welcomed and secure in their new environment.

What is the Buddy Program?

The Buddy program matches local students (buddies) with new international students (newbies). 

Being a buddy comes with many benefits. You get the chance to connect with international students. As a buddy, you can expand your network, improve your language skills, and have fun along the way!

Maybe you’ve already been on exchange? Llived/worked abroad? Perhaps you see yourself working in an international company in the future? In any case, international experiences are incredibly valuable. 

As a buddy, you answer questions about being a student at Lnu, student life, and more. Think back to how you felt when you were a newcomer.

After one semester, buddies can receive a certificate that can be used when applying for studies abroad or jobs.

To become a buddy a fall semester, it's good to register in the spring and vice versa.

Are you done with your studies Done with your studies, but will stay in Växjö and would like to continue to meet international students? Friend Family Kronoberg

How to register etc.

  1. Register by clicking on the green button below. It is easiest to do from a computer. Fill out all the information, & send.
  2. An automated confirmation is sent from studcoord(@)
  3. You may get contacted and asked to add info to your registration. Keep an eye on the email used upon registration to the Buddy program.
  4. You get an invite (by email) to an introduction that could be held physically, or on Teams. This is your chance to ask questions. 
  5. Do you have questions now? You are welcome to use the form further down.
  6. The matching result is sent to the email you use to register. till den mejl-adress du uppger i anmälan. 

What happens next

OBS! Vanligtvis görs två matchningsomgångar: Om du är buddy en hösttermin sker omgång 1 i juni/juli och omgång 2 i augusti. Om du är buddy en vårtermin sker omgång 1 i december och omgång 2 i januari. 

När du fått veta vem eller vilka du blivit matchad med – du väljer själv om du vill bli matchad med fler än en newbie – ta gärna reda på något om landet newbien kommer ifrån. Du inleder kontakt och svarar på ev. frågor och funderingar som newbien har.  Läs Buddy-guiden här nedanför för tips &råd!

När studenten anlänt föreslå att ses över en fika, eller en öl. Ha kul, testa/lär dig något nytt!

If your newbie goes home after one semester and you want to be a buddy again, make a new registration for the relevant semester.

Get tips and advice


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Any questions about the Buddy program?

Contact our international Student Coordinator Karin!