Ny student Kalmar

Welcome to Linnaeus University and hopefully as a new member of the Student Union!

As a new student there's plenty of info to keep track of. Here you may read more about what Linnaeus Union does and how we may help you. The main task of Linnaeus union (the student union of Linnaeus University) is to represent students at Linnaeus University towards the university and the surrounding community.

We in the student union are working specifically for you as a student, which is why we have gathered important information regarding your studentlife. 

As a student union, we work to ensure the quality of your education and to provide you with guidance regarding your studies. We are here for you. Of course, there is also a life beyond studies, with a vibrant campus community where numerous associations organize various enjoyable activities. There is surely an association that suits you. 

Below, you will find further information regarding various associations in Kalmar, your rights concerning studies, details about the introduction week, and much more!

Introduction weeks

During the introduction weeks, you will get to know your new classmates while familiarizing yourself with your new university city, and have a great time in the process. Many students describe the introduction period as one of the most enjoyable experiences throughout their entire study period!

It is the educational associations together with the student union that is responsible for the introduction weeks. You will be contacted by the association linked to your program before the start of the semester.

If you don't get contacted you can find contact information for the associations here. Under each educational association's logo, it states which programs the association represents.   

Student Life

There are many different ways to get involved in, and influence the student life. You can join a board, or a committee. You can influence your studies by becoming a student representative. If you are interested in international contacts you can become a buddy to an international student.

Here you can read more about getting involved.

Welcome Fair

We organize a welcome fair once a year in Kalmar. The purpose is for the students to get to know the student life, their student city and what companies, associations and authorities have to offer. In the beginning of the spring semester we arrange the fair only in Växjö.

The fairs are very popular both with the exhibitors and the students. Usually we have about 3000-5000 students visiting, new students as well as current ones. 

Your rights

There are rights and responsibilities you are expected to know about, follow and use. You should pay particular attention to rules concerning cheating and plagiarism! Discuss them with your teacher or contact us if you have questions or if you need advise and support.

Do you need advice and support check out more information here!


Maintaining a good health as a student is of course important, both for the success of your studies but also for your general well-being. This applies to both mental and physical health, which are often linked together!

The Student Welfare Office is a department at the university that deals with just that, student health and well-being. Yo can turn to their counselors if you are stressed, anxious or depressed and need someone to talk to. They offer physical meetings in both cities or digitally by phone or zoom. They also work with free student activities such as lectures, seminars and lunch yoga. 


It is important to have a home insurance for your student apartment or dorm room.

Most insurance companies require a Swedish personal number, but there are some exceptions. Have a look at Dina, https://www.dina.se/.

As a student at Linnaeus University, you are insured during school hours and during direct travel between your residence and the university premises. The insurance covers personal injuries caused by accidents as well as certain cases of illness due to contagion. The concept of school hours also includes accidents during distance learning if the accident is directly related to the studies being carried out. More info can be found here!

Facebook groups

For you as a student there are multiple facebook groups you may participate in. There you will find information about everything possible revovling the studentlife. 

LNU student Kalmar

Linnaeus university buy and sell group



Get to know your new student city!

Students in Kalmar - Information from Kalmar municipality

Public Transport Kalmar (Kalmar public transport)


Become a member!

As a member in Linnaeus union may take part of discounts and other benefits, as well as our events by getting our members app Hitract.

New in Kalmar?

As a newcomer to Kalmar, when you register your residency, you have the opportunity to receive a welcome package gift card worth 1000 SEK.

Looking for housing?

We have gathered information on how to find housing and important things to consider.

New student LNU

The university has also gathered information for new students, which you can find here.


In Kalmar, there are numerous different associations. Find an association that suits you!


We organize various activities for our members throughout the semester.
A welcome package for those new to Kalmar worth at least 1000 SEK.
On the safety page for Kalmar, you will find important information about security and contact details for support resources for students.
Sell course-literature
In Kalmar, you can sell your used course literature through Campus Bookstore.

Do you have any questions?

Contact us via e-mail, phone, Facebook, or fill in the form. We will reply as soon as possible.
MON-FRI 09:00-11:30