Linnaeus Union is a LGBTQ-qualified organization 

Walk with the (student) union in Växjö

When we again this week open up the expedition outside we launch: Walk with the Union! We met up outside The Student Union Office at Tufvan at 12 o´clock and start walking at 12.15. Then we take a walk around Trummen and back to Tufvan. At least one board member from us will participate! 

Everyone are welcome to join. Maybe you want to walk in silence but together with someone? Or maybe you have a magnificant idea that you would like to talk to the student union board about? Either way, we are here for you! 

We always walk with social distance and totally healthy without symptoms of sickness and we expect the same from you.

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Efter ett härligt år med vår nuvarande styrelse (22–23) är det

Sivans festival

På campus Växjö värmer vi upp inför en riktig festivalsommar med