Linnaeus Union is a LGBTQ-qualified organization 

Valborg 2022

Solen börjar lysa längre, vädret blir varmare och brassestolarna börjar titta fram. Alla tre är tecken på vårens mest efterlängtade högtid – VALBORG! Två års väntan är över! Äntligen kommer vi kunna fira in våren tillsammans, och så kul vi ska ha!

Mark the 28/4, 29/4 and the 30/5 in your calendars since we’ll take over Amfium and show that we really know how walpurgis should be celebrated!

Since 2019, Amfium has become the campus home of Walpurgis, but we have only had the opportunity to use this once. This year, Walpurgis will return, and we will do this with a bang. The days in honor will be packed with several different activities held by our great associations where there will surely be something for everyone! How about showing once and for all who's the best in your bunch at flunkeyball? Perhaps it's time to show that you can actually fall in style when you're fighting your way through a such a soap-olympiad? Or why not listen to some live music and welcome the evenings with echoing sing-alongs? The possibilities are endless, but one thing is certain regardless: we will have fun!


2: The deck chair is your best friend! Hold it tight and you'll be fine.
3: Long sunny days will be more fun with the occasional refill with water. Come by Linnaeus union's water stations and we will get you a refill!
4: MINGLE! There will be a lot of activities and associations that will be at their tents. Try all the activities and make new friends!
5: Are you going to bring a friend? Get guest cards for the pubs as soon as they are released, otherwise they may run out. The guest cards will be released on Sunday the weekend before Walpurgis!

All Valborg activities:

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Efter ett härligt år med vår nuvarande styrelse (22–23) är det

Sivans festival

På campus Växjö värmer vi upp inför en riktig festivalsommar med